The California Avocado Commission Board of Directors is comprised of 19 individuals serving as producers, handlers and public members.  The state’s avocado growing region is currently broken down into five districts, with two producer members and one alternate producer member elected to serve each district for a total of 15 growers on the board (10 members and 5 alternate members). In addition, there are two handler members, one alternate handler member, along with one public member. 

The annual CAC General Election will be held in October for one producer member seat in each of the five CAC districts. In addition, one handler member seat also is open. All seats in the 2024 CAC Election are for two-year terms ending on October 31, 2026.

Per CAC Election Procedures, producer candidates for member or alternate member seats may be nominated by a petition signed by five eligible producers in the district in which they are seeking election. Handler candidates for member or alternate member seats may be nominated by a petition signed by one eligible handler (aside from the handler organization the nominee represents).  

The Commission will conduct the 2024 General Election utilizing a ranked choice voting method. Ballots will ask voters to cast their vote by ranking candidates in order of preference. The candidate receiving the highest number of first choice votes will be offered the available seat.

The Summary of Open Seats (below) lists the seats that shall be filled in the upcoming election. Also included below is a schedule of important dates and deadlines related to the 2024 CAC General Election.

The nomination packets for producers and handlers are available online as are the CAC Election Procedures and CAC Governing Documents. Should you have any questions regarding the election process, or serving as a commissioner, please contact April Aymami at 949.341.1955 or [email protected].