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CAC provides two publications for growers. The GreenSheet is a semi-monthly e-newsletter and e-alert vehicle with up-to-the-minute California avocado grower news, research and information.  From the Grove is a quarterly print publication providing California avocado growers with the latest avocado industry news.

GreenSheet California Avocado Industry News

Subscribe to the CAC GreenSheet to receive:

  • Critical e-alerts that forewarn you of adverse weather trends, inform you of time-sensitive pest alerts, and share information
  • Timely, valuable avocado industry news
  • Easy-to-understand avocado grove cultural management and best practices articles
  • Updates on CAC-funded avocado production research
  • CAC marketing program briefs
  • CAC meeting notices and updates on CAC operations

The GreenSheet e-newsletter is the California Avocado Commission's (CAC) primary means of sharing important, up-to-the-minute California avocado industry news, research and information on a semi-monthly basis. The GreenSheet is also sent to California avocado stakeholders on an as-needed basis to alert industry members of adverse weather events, critical pest updates or time-sensitive legislative issues.

Subscribe Today! Latest Issue and Archives

From The Grove - The Latest News from the California Avocado Industry

From the Grove provides:

  • In depth California avocado grower profiles that share a grower's history and best practices for avocado grove management
  • The latest food safety, GAP and GHP news and initiatives
  • Robust summaries and photo essays of CAC's consumer and trade marketing efforts
  • Informative summaries on the latest CAC avocado production research projects
  • Updates on avocado pest management and cultural management best practices
  • Timely essays on legislative, labor and water issues that affect California avocado growers
  • News on the latest consumer/trade regional and global avocado industry trends
  • Reports and updates from CAC operations

From the Grove is a quarterly print publication from the California Avocado Commission providing the latest news from the California avocado industry.

Latest Issue and Archives