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CAC Staff

Meet Your Commission Staff

California Avocado Commission staff are a valuable resource for California avocado growers. We can provide you with the latest news concerning cultural management issues, legislation and research that affects the California avocado industry. We also welcome feedback concerning the issues and challenges you face and will do our best to advocate on your behalf. View CAC Organization Chart.


April Aymami

Director of Industry Affairs and Operations
19 years with CAC

April is responsible for industry communications and the collection/dissemination of crop statistics and industry data. She manages governance functions, such as redistricting, continuing referenda, conflict of interest compliance and the CAC's election process. 


Zachary Benedict

Director of Marketing
20 years with CAC

Zac’s primary responsibilities as director of marketing include management of CAC’s online marketing; the website, social and digital media, as well as The Scoop blog.

Stacia Kierulff

Stacia Kierulff

Human Resources Manager
14 years with CAC

Stacia’s primary responsibility is management of CAC’s Human Resource department, including payroll and employee benefits. She also helps the Administration and Industry Affairs departments plan meetings and offsite industry events.

Ken Melban

Ken Melban

Vice President, Industry Affairs and Operations
13 years with CAC

Ken manages and implements a wide variety of programs that address key industry issues such as GAP, water pricing and product registrations. He also advocates on behalf of California avocado growers at a state and federal level with government officials. 

Lori Small

Lori Small

Marketing Manager
1 year with CAC

Lori’s primary responsibilities include management of CAC’s social media outreach and consumer public relations programs and agencies. She also handles marketing program communications for a variety of activities. 

Terry Splane

Terry Splane

Vice President Marketing
1 year with CAC

As vice president of marketing, Terry manages the Commission’s consumer and trade marketing staff and agencies in the development and implementation of CAC’s integrated marketing programs.

Cristina Wede

Cristina Wede

Office Manager
21 years with CAC

Cristina is responsible for management of the front office activities at CAC including coordination of on and off site meetings. In addition, Cristina acts as the first point of contact for grower and industry inquiries.