The San Diego County Local Agency Formation Commission will host a continued public hearing on two Fallbrook PUD and Rainbow MWD wholesaler reorganization proposals. The meeting takes place July 10 from 8:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. at the County Administration Center located at 1600 Pacific Highway, Room 302 in San Diego, CA. Doors will open at 8:00 a.m. and the meeting will begin at 8:20 a.m.
The proposals seek LAFCO approvals to transfer wholesale water service responsibilities within the applicants’ jurisdictional boundaries from the San Diego County Water Authority to Eastern MWD. This is expected to save Rainbow and Fallbrook PUD $7.6 million dollars per year. SDCWA has proposed raising rates 14% this year. The California Avocado Commission is supportive of Option One — Approving Proposal with Standard Conditions.
Additional information will be presented at this meeting involving alternatives to the recommended exit fee as well as responses to written comments made by Chair Adán Ortega with the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California. A vote to either accept or deny the “detachment” applications is expected. Public comments prior to the vote will be heard. If members of the public wish to provide a comment in person, they will need to fill out a speakers slip and give it to LAFCO staff. Written comments will be read into the record if emailed prior to the meeting.
Growers can also make comments by Zoom or phone as follows.
Meeting ID is: 895 6767 7168
Passcode is: 508649
Click the “raise hand” icon to comment
LAFCO will announce the name as it appears on the screen when it’s time to speak
Click the speaker icon to “unmute” and speak
Dial 1-669-900-9128
Meeting ID: 895 6767 7168
Passcode: 508649
Dial *9 to raise your hand
LAFCO will call out the last 4 digits of your phone number when it is time to speak
Dial *6 to unmute yourself
The meeting will be livestreamed on YouTube for viewing purposes only.