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Anti-Theft Reward Program

The California Avocado Commission offers avocado anti-theft rewards to eligible persons. To file an anti-theft reward claim, complete the form below, or download, complete and mail in the anti-theft reward claim form listed under Related Content.

Instructions for the form below are as follows: 

Please include copies of all crime incident reports or other law enforcement summaries of the occurrence.  These documents must clearly reflect the claimants’ involvement and eligibility for a reward; otherwise the claimants should provide Industry Affairs staff with a letter from the investigating law enforcement agency verifying their involvement and eligibility.  Also include any copies of clerks’ dockets, or other court documents clearly indicating a conviction for avocado related crimes.

Please send completed form with supporting documentation to:

California Avocado Commission
Attn: Theft Reward Program
12 Mauchly, Suite L Irvine, CA 92618
Fax (949) 341-1970
Email: [email protected]

Upon receipt of completed claim form, Commission staff will verify the claimants’ eligibility to receive a reward and determine the amount of the reward based on the criteria set forth in the Anti-Theft Reward Program.  Staff will not contact law enforcement agencies or the court to gather additional information.  Claimants’ will have the entire burden of providing staff with supporting documents.  Staff will complete its review and decision on rewards within ten (10) days from receipt of the claim and all necessary supporting documents and information.

Applicant Details
Employer Details
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