There are many reasons for California avocado growers to consider pruning their avocado trees.
- Reduces costs.
- Improves profitability.
- Improves pest control.
- Assists trees in Phytophthora recovery.
- Helps avocado trees recover from fire or freeze.
- Saves water.
- Develops avocado trees with strong frameworks.
- Reduces fertilizer needs.
- Increases ease and productivity of harvesting.
- Maximizes the tree-bearing surface.
- Reduces tree size.
- Improves tree health.
- Keeps avocado fruit off the ground.
- Restores avocado tree vigor.
- Influences an avocado tree's response to fertilizer applications, with pruned trees inclined to grow more than unpruned trees. In South Africa, pruning increased the fruit-mineral content of P, K, Ca and Mg, leading to better quality fruit.
- Improves fruit quality, with more minerals available to the avocado.
- Rebalances the tree among shoots, roots and avocado fruit growing cycles.
- Uncrowded avocado trees will grow, spread and create dead, unproductive space within the tree. Crowded avocado trees will grow competitively with other trees, achieving greater size. As a result, unpruned trees can become a "jungle."