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FSMA Produce Safety Rule 101 for Small Organic Farms Webinar Series

To assist small organic farmers in understanding how the Food Safety Modernization Act impacts them, the CCOF Foundation is hosting a two-part webinar series reviewing the fundamentals of on-farm food safety and the FSMA Produce Safety Rule compliance requirements.

The first online session will:

  • Provide an overview of the FSMA Produce Safety Rule as it pertains to small farms
  • Discuss what documents are necessary to demonstrate exemption from the rule
  • Review soil amendments, worker health and hygiene, wildlife and domestic animal topics as they are related to the Produce Safety Rule

The second session will include:

  • A continued review of the Produce Safety Rule
  • A discussion concerning agricultural water quality and usage
  • Safe post-harvest handling
  • How to develop a food safety plan

Registrants will have access to recordings of the webinars after the event, as well as a PDF of the presentations.

Registration for the FSMA Produce Safety Rule 101 for Small Organic Farms webinar series is available online.

Event Calendar

10:00am - 11:30am
10:00am - 11:30am