Growing News

Commission to Host Webinar Concerning the Future of GEM Avocados in California

  • Dec 15, 2022

As GEM production continues to grow in California, the California Avocado Commission encourages California avocado growers to attend its free webinar: the Future of GEM in California. The webinar takes places on December 20. Learn more.

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Week-long California Small Farm Conference Offers Online and In-person Opportunities

  • Dec 13, 2022

The 35th annual California Small Farm Conference will host more than 50 online workshops, videos, interactive forums and in-person gatherings across the state from February 26 – March 3. The conference also includes Spanish-language virtual events.

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Produce Safety Training Available in San Diego County

  • Dec 12, 2022

Members of the California avocado industry in need of obtaining produce safety training required by the federal Food Safety Modernization act can obtain low-cost training courtesy of the Food Safety Training Partnership. The fee for the produce safety training sessions is $35 and includes course materials and a certificate.

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Labor Law Seminar on Preparing for AB 2183 “Card Check”

  • Dec 11, 2022

AB 2183, the new agricultural employee unionization card check legislation, goes into effect on January 1, 2023. A new labor law seminar “How to Prepare for AB 2183 “Card Check,” will be held December 21 to assist industry members.

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San Diego Farm and Nursery Expo Presentations Available Online

  • Nov 23, 2022

Seminar presentations from the recent San Diego Farm and Nursery Expo are now available online. Learn more.

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Upcoming San Joaquin Valley Avocado Meeting and GEM Grove Tours

  • Nov 15, 2022

The San Joaquin Valley Avocado Meeting, which will occur on December 5, will feature a variety of guest speakers and visits to two local GEM avocado groves. Learn more.

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