Cultural Management Library
Consumers often ask if there are benefits to eating an avocado pit. Although avocado seeds show a lot of potential concerning health benefits, there are no direct human feeding studies to show the safety or benefits of consuming avocado seeds. This article examines current research.
Changes in recent years due to overdemand on ground water resources, overallocation of Colorado River water, and prolonged periods of drought have changed the water availability picture for avocado growers. This article examines how growers can determine whether they have enough water for irrigation blocks within their groves and how long to water during the peak summer season.
Fire season for California avocado growers is now a 12-month season. This article details how to prepare in advance of a wildfire, the symptoms of wildfire damage, the importance of documenting wildfire impacts, irrigation best practices for impacted groves, pruning practices and how to protect damaged trees from sun damage.
This article provides an update about research trials concerning trials conducted with products containing active ingredients that are currently registered for use on citrus in California, to evaluate their efficacy and potential for phytotoxicity to avocados.
Growers often observe that mulch prevents water from entering their soils and others may mistakenly incorporate amendments such as potting soil, manure or compost in a planting hole. To help growers amend these mistakes and better understand how soils impact irrigation, this article examines how water moves through grove soils.
GEM trees are typically described as upright and compact. Compared to Hass trees, GEM trees have more dense foliage, are less alternate bearing, and the fruit tend to be larger. This article explores cultural management, flowering and fruiting, wind scarring, productivity and profitability of the GEM variety.
To help growers manage frequent drought conditions, this article details what environmental factors induce flowering in avocados and how irrigation management can maximize flowering potential of avocado trees.
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