Identifying Herbicide Injury to California Avocado Trees
For California avocado growers, it can be difficult to ascertain whether a tree is suffering from disease, pests, nutrient deficiencies or damage caused by insecticides. Herbicide injury can impact the yield, number of fruit, plant vigor and health of California avocado trees. Learn more.
Identifying Fusarium dieback disease
A new beetle that vectors a Fusarium dieback on avocado trees has been discovered in and near Los Angeles County. The newly discovered polyphagous shot hole borer beetle is indistinguishable from the tea shot hole borer beetle and is believed to be a new species of beetle.
Avocado Root Health
Healthy avocado roots play an important role in producing consistent high-quality avocado crops from healthy avocado trees. Roots provide nutrients and water for strong healthy leaves, good shoot growth, flowering and fruit set, and avocado fruit growth.
Avocado Trunk Canker Disease Symptoms
Phytophthora mengei (P. citricola) and P. cinnamomi have been associated with trunk canker and collar rot of avocado. The pathogen infects the crown, lower trunk and limbs of older trees. The disease develops after crowns, limbs, or trunks become infected through wounds, such as injuries from equipment, pruning, vertebrate chewing, and wind damage.
Avocado Trunk Canker Disease Management
The measures recommended for the control of Phytophthora avocado trunk canker disease are similar to those described for Phytophthora root rot. In fruit, prevention of infection is challenging because it is likely caused by the splashing of Phytophthora spores from the soil surface to the fruit during rainy weather.
Avocado Branch Canker Disease Management
The primary means of managing avocado branch canker disease is applying chemical treatment to any open wounds to prevent Botryosphaeriaceae spores from entering and initiating infection.
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