Image In This Issue Foodservice Firm Visit Focuses on Food Safety Practices South Africa: Up Close and Personal Polyphagous Shot Hole Borer/Fusarium Dieback Update Nutrition Tool Kits Build In-Store Ambassadors for California Avocados California Avocados Inspire Restaurant Relationships with Roots Plant Breeding: Investing in the Future of the California Avocado Industry Production Research: Where is the Commission Program after Three Years? CAC Staff Visit Florida Avocado Researchers Grower Profile - Mike Mobley Message from the President Better Growing - Preparing for Winter Grower Communications - The California Avocado Grower Website One Year Later Commission Forges Partnership with Cal Poly At Historic Pine Tree Ranch Fourth of July Promotion Resonates with Consumers & Retailers Expanded Variety List Could Offer Opportunities Commission Meets with Rep. Duncan Hunter Engaging Nutrition Experts on the Nutrition Benefits of California Avocados Chairman's Report SubscribeCalifornia avocado industry members interested in subscribing to From the Grove should contact April Aymami, CAC Director of Industry Affairs and OperationsContact April