Image In This Issue Message from the President 2021 CAC General Election Underway Increasing the Productivity of GEM Avocado Orchards Using High-Density Planting Road Trip Recipes: Plated with California European Avocado Market Continues to Expand CA GROWN Advertising Launch Features California Avocados Brand Advocate and Partner Communications Differentiate California Avocados Proactive Work on the Large Avocado Seed Weevil, Heilipus Lauri GEM Offers Bright Future New Findings on Botryosphaeria Branch Canker and Dieback of Avocados in California 2020-21 Highlights from Retail and Foodservice Chain California Avocado Promotions California Avocado Consumer Advertising Highlights CAC Launches Sustainability Webpage California Avocado Commission Marketing Research and Data Utilization Size Portfolio Made for Challenging Season SubscribeCalifornia avocado industry members interested in subscribing to From the Grove should contact April Aymami, CAC Director of Industry Affairs and OperationsContact April