Image In This Issue Message from the President Chairman's Report Coping with Drought Increasing Demand for California Avocados Through Consumer Advertising Better Growing: The Architecture of Avocado Trees and Why it Matters Grower Profile: Jeff Dillman CAC’s 2012-13 Annual Report Goes Digital PSHB Outreach Moves Forward Drought Emergency Brings Challenges to CAC Water Pricing Campaign Behind the Scenes: Introducing the CA Avocado Season to Retailers and Foodservice Inaugural Field Day Demonstrates Overwhelming Support and Interest in CAC’s Outreach Efforts Introducing the CAC Blog Beetle Found in Commercial Avocado Grove Factors Influencing Avocado Fruit Set and Yield Global Perspectives and Handlers Report SubscribeCalifornia avocado industry members interested in subscribing to From the Grove should contact April Aymami, CAC Director of Industry Affairs and OperationsContact April