Image In This Issue Message from the President Chairman's Report Plethora of Activity Underway CAC's Digital Advertising Tactics Hit the Mark Dutch Flower Growers Find Success with Organic Avocados The California Avocado Commission 40 Years - From the Outside In CAC 40th Anniversary 2018-19 Business Plan and Budget 2018 CAC General Election Results and A Newly Elected Executive Committee Meet Dr. Monique Rivera - New Subtropical Fruits Entomologist at UC Riverside High Density Avocado Production: A Method to Improve Yield per Acre 2019: Another Unique Year on Tap CAC Crew Kicks off 40th Year Celebration at PMA Fresh Summit Foodservice Represents a Golden Opportunity for California Avocados Severity of Fusarium Dieback - Shot Hole Borers Analyzed SubscribeCalifornia avocado industry members interested in subscribing to From the Grove should contact April Aymami, CAC Director of Industry Affairs and OperationsContact April