Image In This Issue Message from the President Chairman’s Report CAC 2021 General & Board Officer Election Results Tom Bellamore Rides into the Sunset After an Impressive Career Avocado Ripeness Study Helps Handlers and Retailers Understand Consumer Purchase Decisions and Increase Sales California Avocado 2021-22 Marketing Plan Overview California Avocado Marketing Performance: A Recap of Fiscal Year 2020-21 Commission’s Grower Profitability Study Finalized Orondis® Fungicide Available for Use in California Avocado Groves New Items Added to the California Avocado Merchandise Shop Potential for Heat Mitigation by Overhead Irrigation in Avocado Groves Prevalence, Impact, and Significance of Botryosphaeria Fungi in Avocado Nurseries and New Plantings in California Optimism Abounds for 2022 California Crop SubscribeCalifornia avocado industry members interested in subscribing to From the Grove should contact April Aymami, CAC Director of Industry Affairs and OperationsContact April