Sound management of and policy regarding newly introduced pests, and sanitary and phytosanitary regulations is achieved when the final costs and benefits to consumers and growers are known. The results of the study show that having the pesticide Agri-Mek available to treat infestations of ScritoS. perseae perseae (S. perseae) minimizes the losses to growers compared to use of the next best alternative. It also shows that while avocado growers are worse off and
consumers are better off due to changes in the Mexican Hass Avocado Agreement, the net effects of the introduction of S. perseae and trade agreements are still negative. Finally, the analysis shows that the net expected benefits from extending the Mexican Hass Avocado Agreement to allow entry of Hass avocados from Mexico into all States in the U.S. throughout the year are unclear, and that further research on the potential costs of an exotic pest establishing in the U.S.
is warranted.