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Enhancement of Avocado Productivity. Plant improvement - selection and evaluation of improved varieties and rootstocks

Mary Lu Arpaia and Harley Smith
Publish Date
January 1, 2011

The goal of the avocado scion breeding program is to help maintain and enhance the California avocado industry by introducing consistently heavier producing, high-quality avocado varieties, better pollinizer varieties, and to test improved rootstock hybrids. This is achieved through identification of material which is less prone to alternate bearing and more tolerant to adverse environmental conditions. Additionally identifying varieties with a more upright tree structure will assist in high density tree management schemes. The goals of this project will be achieved through continued evaluation of new material generated by traditional selection techniques, collaboration with other researchers as they develop refined techniques to increase the efficiency of selection and introduction of new material from other improvement programs. Increasing the genetic diversity of varieties will decrease the risk of major pest and disease invasions on a susceptible monoculture. Our progress since October 2010 is summarized below.