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Proactive Surveys for Incipient Populations of the Avocado Seed Moth, Stenoma catenifer, in California

Mark Hoddle, Jocelyn Millar
Publish Date
January 1, 2010

Stenoma catenifer, the avocado seed moth, has been identified as an exotic pest that has the potential to enter and establish in California because of imports of fresh avocado fruit from Mexico and other Central and South American countries where this pest is endemic (e.g., Peru). This moth has been subject to extensive study in Guatemala over a 2.5 year period. One of the major outcomes of this work has been the isolation, identification, and successful field evaluation of the sex pheromone of this pest. The next step is to use the pheromone to begin monitoring for Stenoma incursions into California. This final report provides results for the pheromone monitoring program for Stenoma throughout the major avocado growing regions of California.