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Use of Simple Sequence Repeats (SSR) to Determine Incidence and Effectiveness of Self and Cross-pollinated Avocado Fruit in Southern California

T.L. Davenport and Z. Ying
Publish Date
January 1, 2005

SSR technology is a powerful tool to determine the pollen parents of avocado progeny of known maternal genetic background. The four SSR markers we have selected for use to determine pollen parents are powerfully informative for the range of cross pollinizing cultivars available in the selected orchards and, therefore, highly capable of discerning the specific pollen parent of each sampled fruit. The cultivars included in the study are Bacon, Ettinger, Fuerte, Harvest, Hass, Lamb Hass, Marvel, Nobel, SirPrize and Zutano. This, coupled with the opportunity to sample fruits in replicated experimental plots comparing cross- and self-pollinations in trees located various distances from pollinizing cultivars, and comparing retention of cross- vs. self-pollinated fruit over the development season makes this endeavor one of the most comprehensive ever preformed on avocado. As a result of this three-year suite of studies, avocado growers and advisors will, for the first time, unequivocally know the impact of interplanting complimentary cultivars, and how these ultimately influence the crop.