Pest Management Guidelines for Agriculture: Avocado
These practices are recommended for a monitoring-based IPM program that enhances the use of IPM practices to reduce the risks of pesticides on the environment and human health. This year-round IPM program covers the major pests of avocados in California. Details on carrying out each practice, example monitoring forms, and information on additional pests can be found in the Avocado Pest Management Guidelines.
Biology and Management of Avocado Lace Bug in California 2008
This research project will be ending October 31, 2008 and we are on schedule to accomplish all of the major goals laid out for the project. Although the avocado lace bug (ALB) has not spread into commercial avocado orchards in California, we could not have predicted ahead of time that this would not happen and it is possible a more virulent strain might be introduced into California at some point in the future. In some areas of the world, ALB is a very serious pest on avocados.
Evaluation of Systemic Chemicals for Avocado Thrips and Avocado Lace Bug Management
We are evaluating systemic insecticides for the management of current and newly emerging pests of California avocados. Studies are being conducted in commercial avocado groves, under normal agronomic practices. Trees are treated using a variety of techniques – soil application and trunk injection – to establish the methods that will provide the best uptake of insecticide for the protection of the trees.