On January 9, 2024, the Avocado Café will host a free "Pollination and Pollinizers" webinar from 8:00 – 10:00 a.m.
The session will feature presentations as follows:
- Neal Williams, UC-Davis — Pollination ecology, alternatives to European honey bee and habitat enhancement
- Arnon Dag, Volcani Research Institute, Israel — Avocado pollination and pollinizers
If you have not previously attended an Avocado Café webinar, you may register for this session by sending an email to [email protected]. If you have previously attended an Avocado Café webinar, you will automatically receive a meeting invite via Google calendar.
California avocado growers are encouraged to mark their calendars for upcoming Avocado Café webinars in February:
- February 13 — The impact of environment on successful fertilization and fruit set
- February 27 — Choosing your fertilizer wisely and interpreting your analysis