The California Avocado Commission Board of Directors is seeking candidates for its public member position. The term for this position will expire October 31, 2026.
The board is composed of 20 individuals serving as producers, handlers and public members. The public member has the same powers, rights and privileges as the other members on the CAC board. Candidates for this position should have experience in one of the following areas: public service, food safety, health/nutrition, marketing, education or other relevant experience. To be eligible, the public member may not have any financial interest in the avocado industry. California residents are preferred for this position.
This is a volunteer position without compensation, however travel expenses associated with attending the meetings are reimbursed by CAC.
Interested candidates should submit their resumes via email to [email protected] by Friday, December 6, 2024. The CAC Executive Committee will review the information provided by applicants at a meeting in mid-December and make recommendations to the Board for consideration. The CAC Board shall then interview applicants put forward by the Executive Committee prior to making their final recommendation to the California Secretary of Food and Agriculture. The Secretary shall appoint the public member from nominees recommended by the Commission.