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California Avocado Month Public Relations Campaign Garners Nearly 283 Million Impressions

To generate excitement for California Avocado Month, the California Avocado Commission’s public relations campaign showcased new recipes specially crafted by Chef Brooke Williamson that invited consumers, retailers and media members alike to celebrate and enjoy the Golden State fruit. In total, the PR campaign generated nearly 283 million impressions, driving demand for and loyalty to the California Avocados brand.

To promote California Avocado Month, CAC partnered with California-based Chef Williamson who developed Braised Short Ribs on California Avocado Tahini Puree and California Avocado Chocolate Mousse Layer Cake. The partnership, recipes and their availability at her popular beachside restaurant in Playa del Rey — Playa Provisions — were showcased in both a press and mat release. The press release secured nearly 112 million impressions across more than 170 national and regional outlets, such as the Associated Press and Some trade publications such as Bake Magazine and Supermarket Perimeter also picked up the news and recipes organically. The mat release garnered more than 170 million impressions and 2.7K placements across national and local outlets, including the International Business Times, Times of San Diego, Pasadena Weekly and LA Downtown News.

CAC also invited credible, third-party reporters to visit Playa Provisions where they could enjoy the limited time California-avocado centric menu items in person. By doing so, CAC was able to expand its reach to entertainment/celebrity-focused outlets — in addition to lifestyle and foodie outlets — and cultivate media relationships that encouraged the California-based reporters to keep California avocados top of mind for upcoming relevant stories. Media outreach resulted in an Access Hollywood reporter visiting Williamson’s restaurant to try the new California avocados recipes and stating, “So good! Delicious! The food was amazing.”

The Commission also distributed an email newsletter, published social media posts across its channels and distributed a trade press release encouraging retailers to carry and promote the fruit during peak season. Chef Williamson’s social posts reached more than 323,000 followers while the trade press release was picked up by targeted publications with a combined circulation of more than 360,000.