The California Department of Food and Agriculture has released its California Agricultural Statistics Review online. The report provides a comprehensive look at California’s agricultural economy, including organic production and exports for the Golden State.
Highlights from the report are as follows:
- In 2021, California farms, ranches and plant nurseries reported a 3.6% increase in cash receipts
- More than one-third of the nation’s vegetables and two-thirds of its fruits and nuts were grown in the Golden State in 2021
- Total organic product sales for the state increased by 16.4% from the prior year, with a total of $14 billion in sales
- California exports totaled $22.5 billion in 2021
- The number of California farms decreased slightly (0.9%) from 2020 with the average farm size at 351 acres. The acreage figure is a slight increase from 2020 and remains below the national average of 445 acres
- The average value per acre of farm real estate rose 9% from the previous year
The report also provides a comprehensive overview of weather conditions during 2021 and a discussion of their impact on California crops. In addition, the report provides an overview of fruit and nut crops (beginning on page 57) that may be of interest to California avocado growers. The section includes charts on avocado acreage, production and value from 2012- 2021, as well as a chart concerning utilized production and fresh market average grower returns during the same time frame.
The California Organic Report and California Agricultural Exports Report also are available online.