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Commission Connects with Targeted Retailers at IFPA Global Produce & Floral Show

For the first time since 2019, the California Avocado Commission was able to meet in person with targeted retailers and key industry members at the International Fresh Produce Association Global Produce & Floral Show. The event, formerly known as the Produce Marketing Association Fresh Summit, was held virtually in 2020 and cancelled in 2021 due to the COVID pandemic. Throughout the three-day event, the Commission prioritized meetings with retailers to remind them of CAC’s marketing programs and the benefits of California avocados during peak season.

The show was held from October 27 – 29 at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, Florida. Although East Coast shows generally result in lower attendance of CAC’s key account retailers compared to West Coast shows, CAC’s Retail Marketing Directors David Anderson and Carolyn Becker met with Albertsons Safeway Companies, Kroger, Northwest Grocers, Sam’s Club, Save Mart, Walmart and others. The Commission thanked retailers who responded to an invitation to visit the CAC booth by allowing them to select merch shop gift items that were shipped to them after the show. The team also met with top trade media publication representatives.

The CAC marketing team led by Vice President Marketing Jan DeLyser, was joined by the new CAC President Jeff Oberman and recently promoted Vice President of Industry Affairs and Operations Ken Melban. The leadership team met with a variety of handlers and international connections and was joined by Angela Fraser for a meeting with the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

CAC’s leadership position on behalf of the California avocado industry was recognized as the Commission was honored for 50 years of exhibiting at the event’s precursors. The in-person event provided the Commission with an ideal venue to showcase California avocados and its marketing programs, thereby encouraging demand for the fruit and loyalty to the California Avocados brand.