The California Avocado Commission is currently accepting nominations for the CAC Board of Directors. The nomination period for the 2023 General Election will end August 28. Nomination notices have been mailed to all producers and handlers.
The CAC board is comprised of 19 individuals who serve as producers, handlers and public members. The board members represent five districts, with two producer members and one alternate producer member elected to serve in each district (for a total of 10 grower members and 5 alternate members), as well as two handler members, one alternate handler member and one public member.
The 2023 General Election will be held in October for one producer member seat and one producer alternate member seat in each of the five districts. One handler member seat and one handler alternate member seat also are open. All seats are for a two-year term ending on October 31, 2025.
According to CAC Election Procedures:
- Producer candidates for member or alternate member seats may be nominated by a petition signed by five eligible producers in the district in which they are seeking election.
- Handler candidates for member or alternate member seats may be nominated by a petition signed by one eligible handler (aside from the handler organization the nominee represents).
Ballots will be mailed to producers and handlers on September 25 and the deadline for receipt of the ballots is October 25. The election will use ranked choice voting, with voters ranking candidates in order of preference. The California Department of Food and Agriculture will announce the election results on November 16 at the CAC Board meeting, at which time the new members will be seated.
For more information, visit the CAC board election webpage or contact April Aymami at 949.341.1955 or [email protected].