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Commission Seeks Public Member Candidates for Board of Directors

The California Avocado Commission seeks candidates to fill a public member position on its Board of Directors. The Board meets approximately five times a year, with meetings generally held in Irvine, California or via Zoom. The public member serves without compensation but is reimbursed for travel expenses associated with the meetings. The position begins November 1, 2022, with the member serving for two years.

The public member must not have any financial interest in the avocado industry and a resident of California is preferred. Past public members have had expertise in marketing, health, nutrition or consumer products and/or public service experience. The public member represents the community and CAC seeks diverse candidates for the position. The Commission is also committed to educating the Board and reviewing internal processes, programs and policies.

The board consists of ten produce members, two handler members and one public member, as well as five producer alternates and one handler alternate. The public member does have the same powers, rights and privileges of any other Commission board member.

Interested candidates should send an expression of interest, as well as relevant qualifications, to the Commission to [email protected] or 949.208.3503 (fax) by Monday, October 10, 2022. The public member will be appointed by the California Secretary of Food and Agriculture from the nominees recommended by the Commission.