One of the greatest benefits of California avocados — their nutritional value — also is an area of keen interest for consumers, retailers and foodservice operators. To that end, the California Avocado Commission integrates nutrition messaging about the health benefits of the fruit throughout its marketing programs to encourage demand and build preference for California avocados.
In 2009, the Commission — long a leader in avocado nutrition research — passed the torch to the Hass Avocado Board, who then assumed the lead in managing avocado nutrition projects. Since then, HAB has worked diligently to plan for and sponsor nutrition and health studies. From the results of these they build a comprehensive list of USDA-approved avocado nutrition and health benefits information that can be used in avocado messaging. For example, the Commission’s Living Well Brand Advocate program is composed of influential registered dietitians who understand the value of avocado nutrition research and can share it in engaging and easy-to-understand content that supports the Commission’s marketing and public relations programs.
Seventy-four percent of avocado shoppers in California indicate one of the main reasons they typically buy avocados is for their health and nutrition value — on par with “they taste delicious” as the top reason for making an avocado purchase. By sharing unique California avocado recipes and pairing inspirational meal ideas with nutritional messaging, the Commission creates content that resonates with targeted consumers and helps increase sales of and preference for California avocados.