The California Avocado Commission’s 2024 Planning Survey plays a crucial role in providing growers with the opportunity to offer input about how CAC invests its resources in marketing, production research, industry affairs and export market development. The Commission will utilize the feedback from this survey during its June meeting to align strategic planning with grower needs.
The short online survey specifically asks growers to assess the value and level of the Commission’s investment in each priority area (marketing, production research, industry affairs). In addition, the survey solicits grower ideas concerning new marketing programs they would like to see pursued, which production research projects they would like initiated and other legislative issues of concern to them. Growers also are asked for input concerning the value of investing in the development of global export markets.
Growers are encouraged to complete an in-depth industry survey that will be used to guide planning and provide CAC with grower input and priorities. The deadline to complete the survey is May 20.