The California Avocado Commission’s Winter 2022 edition of From the Grove is now available online. The publication covers a range of business, marketing, legislative and research topics of interest to the California avocado industry.
Highlights from the latest edition are as follows:
- An inaugural column from Jeff Oberman, the Commission’s new president, in which he discusses how his recent visits to California avocado districts and key industry events help inform his vision for how CAC can assist growers in addressing challenges and seizing opportunities
- A summary of the Commission’s annual board and officer election results
- A report on the CAC Board of Directors’ assessment rate reduction, review of the proposed 2022-23 CAC budget and business plan, and decision to allocate more spending on trade marketing activities
- A summary of CAC’s recent GEM avocado awareness efforts, including a GEM webinar and GEM field day in Tulare County, as well as highlights from the Commission’s in-person visits to California avocado groves and discussions with growers concerning the future of CAC, cultural management practices, and how best to use marketing resources to promote the fruit
- An overview of recent awards and recognition earned by CAC staff and California avocado growers
- The retirement announcement of CAC’s Vice President Marketing — Jan DeLyser
- A review of the Commission’s appearance at the 2022 International Fresh Produce Association Global Produce & Floral Show
- Key takeaways from the 2022 California Avocado Tracking Study
- A look at the Commission’s Production Research projects, including pest management, herbicide use, chloride mitigation in irrigation water and rootstock development initiatives
- A preview of the 2023 World Avocado Congress, which will take place in New Zealand in early April 2023
- Insights from avocado handlers concerning the challenges and opportunities of the 2023 season