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2023 Statewide Avocado Acreage Report Available Online

Each year the California Avocado Commission partners with Land IQ to produce a Statewide Avocado Acreage and Condition Analysis report utilizing digital satellite imagery, aerial photography and analytical tools to survey California avocado groves. This data helps the Commission make informed budgeting and marketing decisions and provides industry members with spatial data concerning crop type, location, condition and density. The 2023 version of the report available on the California avocado growers website.

According to the report:

  • In 2023 there were 52,534 planted avocado acres
  • The majority of growing acreage is located in Ventura, San Diego, Santa Barbara, Riverside and San Luis Obispo Counties with a total of 50,818 planted acres
  • The five top-producing counties reported 1,059 new/young acres and 3,399 topped/stumped acres

The report also provides acreage data by zip code, county, condition, year planted and density.