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CAC Field Day: Preventing Alternate Bearing Patterns and Freeze/Frost Protection

The California Avocado Commission will host a grower field day at Pine Tree Ranch in Santa Paula on January 25, 2023 from 9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.

During the event, California avocado growers will have an opportunity to meet CAC's new president, Jeff Oberman. In addition, Tim Spann of Spann Ag Research & Consulting and Ben Faber, UC Farm Advisor, will lead a discussion on cultural management practices specific to the winter 2023 season. The topics will include:

  • Preventing severe alternate bearing patterns. Many groves have a very light crop for the 2023 season, which can lead to trees becoming set in a severe alternate bearing pattern. Discussion will center on cultural management practices to alleviate this problem.
  • Post-freeze/frost grove care. Winter brings with it the risks of frosts and freezes. Presenters will focus on best practices for managing groves after frosts and freezes have occurred.

Attendees are encouraged to ask questions about concerns they are facing within their own groves and are welcome to walk through the various grove plantings at Pine Tree Ranch.