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Commission Welcomes Feedback from California Avocado Growers at District 2 Meeting

The California Avocado Commission Board of Directors is hosting district meetings in an effort to engage with grower constituents and participate in open dialogue and conversation about the future of the California avocado industry. On Tuesday, January 31, the Commission will host a District 2 Commissioner Grower Meeting from 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. in-person at the Fallbrook Public Library located at 124 S. Mission Road, Fallbrook, CA and online via Zoom (link provided below).

The South District meeting, which will follow a “town hall” format, will be run by grower-elected District 2 Commissioners John Cornell and Ohannes Karaoghlanian, who will provide an update on Commission operations, as well as gather input from growers. Growers are encouraged to come prepared with ideas, questions and comments.

At the conclusion of the district meeting, the following individuals will be in attendance to share on the topics listed below:

  • Garrett Gilcrease, Agronomic Service Representative with Syngenta will speak about the recent registration of Orondis and its use on both tolerant and susceptible avocado rootstocks. 
  • Dr. James E. Adaskaveg, Professor of Plant Pathology at the University of California, Riverside is a world-renown fruit and nut tree pathologist. He has helped identify and manage many of the flower, foliar, and fruit diseases and has introduced most of the reduced-risk and biofungicides currently used on California tree crops. Dr. Adaskaveg will share results from his research concerning Phytophthora disease management in avocado done in collaboration with Dr. Manosalva at UCR. He also will discuss the rationale for developing and simultaneously registering multiple compounds through the federal IR-4 program.
  • Dr. Fatemeh Khodadadi, CE Specialist for Subtropical Trees at UC, Riverside specializes in research concerning fungal and viral diseases of avocado including branch canker and dieback disease, Phytophthora root rot, and Avocado Sunblotch Viroid. Dr. Khodadadi will discuss the chain of events involved in Phytophthora disease development, how the pathogen interacts with avocados, how the disease spreads and survives, and what growers can do mitigate and control the disease.

Growers may also participate in this meeting remotely via the Zoom link below:

Meeting ID: 827 8086 9272