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CAC Seeks Public Member for Board of Directors

The California Avocado Commission is seeking candidates for its board of directors’ public member position. This volunteer position — which will run through October 31, 2024 — provides the member with an opportunity to represent the community and have a voice in the future of the California avocado industry. The CAC board meets approximately fives times a year with meetings generally held in Irvine, California or virtually.

The public member has the same powers, rights and privileges as any other member on the CAC board. Candidates for this position should have experience in one of the following areas: public service, food safety, health/nutrition, marketing, education or other relevant experience. Past public members have included marketers, registered dietitians and a chef/wellness advocate. A California resident is preferred and the public member may not have any financial interest in the avocado industry. This is a volunteer position without compensation, however travel expenses associated with attending the meetings are reimbursed by CAC.

Interested candidates should submit their resumes via email to [email protected] by May 26, 2023. The California Secretary of Food and Agriculture will then appoint the public member from nominees recommended by the Commission.