On October 26, the California Avocado Commission hosted a virtual Annual Meeting for members of the California avocado industry. A recording of the event is now available on the Commission’s YouTube channel.
The CAC Annual Meeting presentation also is available on the California avocado growers website. The PDF presentation includes:
- An overview of the California Avocado Commission, including its Vision, Mission, goals and staff members
- A summary of the CAC Board composition and production statistics for each of the five districts the board represents
- Highlights from the Grower Profitability Study
- A look at the new California avocado sustainability webpage
- A review of the 2021-22 CAC budget, including a diagram of the business planning cycle
- An in-depth profile of CAC’s consumer targets
- Highlights from the 2021 marketing program, including marketing measurements and monitoring data
- A preview of 2022 marketing plans
- Findings from the:
- State of the Avocado Category Study
- California Promotional Retail Study
- Avocado Ripeness Study
- 2021 California Avocado Tracking Study