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California Avocado Pre-season Crop Estimate and Harvest Projections Report Available

The California Avocado Commission’s pre-season crop estimate survey has been completed. The data have been compiled into the CAC Pre-season Crop Estimate and Harvest Projections report, which is now available online. The report is based on survey responses submitted in late December/early January from eight AMRIC handlers.

Based on discussions with industry members, CAC understands the harvest projections may already be outdated, as market conditions are encouraging an earlier harvest than anticipated just a week ago. The Commission will conduct an additional crop survey of both growers and handlers in late January/early February to firm up the pre-season figures.

The Commission encourages growers to walk their groves during the next few weeks and plan to participate in the upcoming crop survey to ensure CAC has a comprehensive dataset for analyzing the 2025 crop size.

The report includes the following information:

  • Pre-Season industry volume estimates, broken down by variety, based on AMRIC Handler survey responses
  • Weekly harvest projection utilizing AMRIC Handler survey percentages for Hass variety (4-year historical forecast used for Lamb, GEM and other)
  • Weekly harvest projection comparison of 4-year historical forecast versus AMRIC Handler Survey

Please contact April Aymami, CAC Director of Industry Affairs and Operations, with any questions you may have. She can be reached at [email protected] or 949.341.1955 ext. 118.