A new publication entitled, “Manage Weeds on Your Farm: A Guide to Ecological Strategies” is available for free online. A print version of the publication will be available in the spring of 2022.
The publication, produced by Sustainable Research and Education and authored by Charles L. Mohler, John R. Teasdale and Antonio DiTommaso is a comprehensive guide for both organic and conventional farmers that helps growers understand weeds and how to best manage them. The first part of the guide focuses on the biology and behavior of weeds and using control strategies that exploit their weaknesses. The highlights below are just a sampling of the helpful information available in Part I of the guide.
- How to think about weeds — covering topics such as weed density, propagation of perennial weeds, why tillage prompts germination, sensitivity to frost, drought tolerance, natural enemies and responses to soil conditions and shade
- Cultural weed management — including cover crops, organic/synthetic mulch, solarization, using livestock for weed management and how to manage weeds when transitioning to organic production
- Mechanical and other physical weed management methods — such as tillage, hoeing and chemical weed management
- Profiles of five farms with innovative weed management practices, including references
Part II of the definitive guide contains a reference section to help growers identify and manage 63 of the most difficult-to-control species in the U.S. This includes summary tables of weed characteristics and provides helpful management strategies for grass and broadleaf species of weeds.