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GEM Informational Webinar Recording Now Available Online

In November, the California Avocado Commission hosted a virtual informational meeting concerning the GEM variety. The video from the webinar is now available on the Commission’s YouTube channel.

An important part of the Commission’s role is to provide information to industry members, and therefore the GEM informational meeting and grower panel was set up in response to interest from growers. The Commission is not advocating for or against the GEM variety, but rather has provided factual information and facilitated an opportunity for growers to share their experience on the GEM variety. Ultimately, it is a grower’s responsibility to make decisions specific to their own operation along with potential market outlook when determining their individual business direction.

The virtual meeting includes information about the following:

  • Current and projected California production volumes/acres
  • Size curves
  • Pricing
  • CAC promotional activities

The video includes a GEM grower panel — including Henry Dominguez, Sal Dominguez, Robert Jackson and Jaime Serrato  — who share their experiences with the GEM variety.