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Online Invasive Pest Management Training Available

The University of California Statewide IPM Program offers a variety of online courses and webinars focused on the latest pest management strategies and safety.

Some of the courses also provide continuing education credits from the California Department of Pesticide Regulation. The courses are free unless you seek continuing education credits. There is a 50% discount for taking courses for credit earlier in the year (January – October 31). Use the code ipm50 at checkout.

Dr. Ben Faber’s latest blog post provides a detailed listing of the available IPM online courses. The courses include:

  • Air Blast Sprayer Calibration
  • Diagnosing Herbicide Injury
  • How Pest Management Professionals Can Protect Water Quality
  • Invasive Shot Hole Borers
  • Managing Ground Squirrels and Pocket Gophers
  • Pesticide Application Equipment and Calibration for Non-ag Applications
  • Pesticide Resistance
  • Proper Pesticide Use to Avoid Illegal Residues
  • Proper Use of Personal Protective Equipment

Complete details can be found online.