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In-person Produce Safety Training Sessions Available

An in-person produce safety training session, required by the Food Safety Modernization Act, will be hosted on June 8 from 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. at the San Diego County Farm Bureau office. The office is located at 420 South Broadway, Escondido, CA.

The session will cover:

  • Good Agricultural Practices
  • FSMA Produce Safety Rule requirements
  • How to develop a farm food safety plan

Attendees also will receive the following resources:

  • A decision tree to help farmers determine how/if a regulation applies to their operation
  • Records templates
  • A calculation tool to determined qualified exemptions
  • A list of allowable water treatment compounds
  • Water analysis calculation tools

The fee for the course is $35 and includes course materials, coffee, lunch and an Association of Food and Drug Officials certification.

Registration and additional information about the course is available online.