The latest issue of the California Avocado Commission’s quarterly From the Grove is now available online. Highlights from the Spring 2023 edition include:
- A look at the season ahead with CAC President Jeff Oberman
- An overview of how the Commission can help develop a sustainability certification program for California avocados and the benefits of doing so
- Highlights from the California Avocado Brand Effect Study by The Nielsen Company
- A summary article concerning CAC’s 2023 consumer media campaign
- An introductory piece about the Commission’s new Vice President of Marketing Terry Splane
- A look at how California avocado growers’ stories are integrated into CAC marketing
- CAC’s salute to female California avocado growers as part of International Women’s Day
- An update concerning the renewal of ProGibb LV Plus Special Local Needs registration
- A comprehensive look at how water moves through soil and how it impacts irrigation
- A profile of Camlam Farms located in Camarillo, CA
- A high-level review of China’s avocado production and market overview
- Handlers’ sentiments concerning the late start to the season and how it may aid marketing efforts