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Specialty Crop Employer Survey Seeks Data to Develop Workforce Training Programs

As the specialty crop industry continues to evolve with new technologies and practices, it’s important the ag workforce has access to training programs that help them develop the necessary skills for these advances in agriculture. To that end, the Specialty Crop Ag Workforce Development Program is conducting an employer survey to better understand the workforce needs in agricultural production, processing and support services while identifying current gaps in workforce skills and education. Data from the survey will be used to help shape workforce training programs that meet the needs of California’s specialty crop producers.

California avocado growers are encouraged to take the survey, which should take approximately 15 – 20 minutes to complete. Growers can pause and resume completing the survey at their convenience. Individual responses will remain confidential with only aggregated data included in the final report.

The survey closes March 7 and is available online

The Specialty Crop Ag Workforce Development Program is designed to work with specialty crop employers, community colleges and other partners to provide workforce training in line with current technologies and practices. The program is a collaboration between the Agricultural Council of California, California Department of Food and Agriculture, California Farmworker Foundation, Central Valley Community Foundation, and Western Growers.