On April 25, the California Avocado Society hosted the World Avocado Congress Comes to California, where speakers shared reports from the WAC that was held recently in Auckland, New Zealand. A recording of that event is now available online.
Following is a list of speakers and the topics they discussed as part of this seminar.
- Water management updates — Ali Montazar - Water Adviser for the University of California Cooperative Extension
- Genomics and varieties — Mary Lu Arpaia - Subtropical Horticulturist at the University of California Cooperative Extension
- Disease updates — Peggy Mauk - Director of Agricultural Operations Professor
- Latest technologies — Nathan Lurie - President of the California Avocado Society
- Rootstock and propagation updates — Consuelo Fernandez - International Relations/ R&D Manager at Brokaw Nursery
- Pests — Tom Roberts - Entomologist; PCA “Integrated Consulting Entomology”
- WAC 2023 themes and sustainability — Derek Knobel - Asst. V.P. Farming Operations at Leavens Ranches. Past California Avocado Society President
- Lessons learned at WAC and updates concerning economics/markets — Etaferahu Takele Extension Economist, Area Advisor, University of California Cooperative Extension