Numerous resources are available to California avocado growers in order to assist them in developing and implementing cultural management practices that help them consistently produce high quality avocado harvests. Free, virtual library of avocado knowledge. This web site is funded and managed by the Hofshi Foundation, a non-profit foundation dedicated to the dissemination of avocado knowledge around the globe.
California Avocado Society. The mission of the California Avocado Society (CAS) is to promote efficiency of production and orderly marketing toward assuring long term profitability for the business of avocado growing. CAS conducts grower seminars and provides a number of tools, including the grower handbook, to aide California growers in improving their production practices.
University of California Cooperative Extension (UCCE) Farm Advisors. UCCE Farm Advisors extend useful, technical, and economic research-based information to producers in their assigned county or counties. They provide local subject matter leadership and expertise in assigned areas to determine and evaluate clientele problems.