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2021 California Agricultural Statistics Review Available Online

The California Department of Food and Agriculture has released the California Agricultural Statistics Review 2020-2021 online. The review provides a wide variety of statistics for the 2020-21 season, while reflecting on the unprecedented challenges faced by the agricultural industry due to the COVID pandemic, historic forest fires and the ongoing effects brought about by an extended drought and climate change.

According to the report, 69,600 farms operated in California in 2020, with nearly 29% generating commodity sales over $100,000 — greater than the national average of 18.5%. While the acreage devoted to farming and ranching in California remained steady, the sales value generated by California agriculture decreased about 3% between the 2019 and 2020 crop years. That said, California remains the leading state in cash farm receipts representing nearly 14% of the U.S. total.

As for California avocados, the report showcases the “notable increases” in production (73%) during this timeframe. The report provides an overview of California’s fruit and nut crops (beginning on page 58) and notes the state produced more than 93% of the nation’s avocados, grapes, lemons and mandarins. This section provides avocado data including:

  • Acreage, production and value 2011-2020
  • Unutilized production 2011-2020
  • Utilized production and average grower return 2011-2020