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Menu Ideation Sessions Expand California Avocado Offerings at Fresh Brothers Pizza

In the spring of 2021, Fresh Brothers Pizza launched a line of salads that included some concepts featuring fresh avocados. To further energize their menu and amortize their costs, Fresh Brothers Pizza expressed interest in expanding usage of fresh California avocados on their signature pizzas in 2022. As a result, the California Avocado Commission hosted a menu ideation session on March 29 to demonstrate easy-to-execute, California style concepts for their executive team designed to build loyalty, demand and preference for the fruit.

The Commission’s foodservice marketing team including Chef Jason Hernandez and Kim Kurata joined Scott Goldberg, Executive Chef/Founding Brother; Geoff Goodman, CEO; Corry Reid, Vice President Marketing; Rob Riddle, Director of Operations; and Nicole Dore, Vice President of Accounting and Finance at a Santa Monica Fresh Brothers Pizza unit. The team presented eight California avocado-centric pizza concepts using Fresh Brothers’ equipment and ingredient lists to simulate real-world conditions. Chef Hernandez demonstrated the versatility of California avocados while preparing inspirational hot application dishes onsite, showcasing how each unique menu concept could serve as a destination dish for diners. As the Fresh Brother’ executive team sampled the dishes Commission personnel answered questions and provided additional information about the premium fruit, reinforcing CAC’s added value as a resource for all things avocado.

The menu ideation session helped the Commission successfully expand its long-term relationship with Fresh Brothers. The chain agreed to move forward with three California avocado pizza concepts for testing and potential roll out in summer 2022.