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California Avocado Commission Hosts Grove Open House for Media and Influencers

To kick off the 10th anniversary of California Avocado Month in June, on May 14  the California Avocado Commission hosted an in-person California avocado grove open house at Rancho Santo Thomas in Valley Center, Calif., for local media and influencers as well as trade media, to learn about the premium attributes and competitive advantages of California avocados.

During the open house, attendees experienced first-hand what it takes to grow California avocados. They experienced picking California avocados directly from the trees, observed different growth stages of the trees, watched a grafting demonstration, learned about grower sustainability practices as well as the packing house process. Additionally, attendees learned about different California avocado varieties and were able to taste an assortment of innovative, delicious dishes featuring California avocados. A longtime brand advocate of California avocados, Brandon Matzek of “Kitchen Konfidence,” even hosted a special interactive avocado rose tutorial.