The California Avocado Commission’s annual grower crop survey plays an important role in helping the Commission assess the industry’s overall productivity and current trends in farming practices. The data provided by the survey helps the Commission fine tune the California crop estimate and better predict the flow of avocados to market. Individual data from the survey is for the Commission’s use only and is kept confidential.
Growers are highly encouraged to complete the survey, which was mailed to all producers on record in late April. The deadline for submissions is May 15, 2024. The survey can be:
- Returned via the postage paid self-mailer
- Faxed to 949.208.3503
- Completed online
A PDF version of the annual crop survey is available in the right-hand navigation. Step-by-step avocado crop estimation instructions are available online.
If you did not receive a crop estimate survey in the mail, or have questions regarding the process, please contact April Aymami at [email protected] or 949.341.1955.