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Highlights from the 2022 California Avocado Tracking Study

The California Avocado Tracking Study has been conducted regularly since the mid-1990s. The study provides a wealth of information that helps the California Avocado Commission marketing team direct communications, as well as measure progress against some objectives and performance measures detailed in the annual business plan. Further, sharing key learnings from the study with supply chain members helps the Commission secure distribution of California avocados throughout the season.

The 2022 study was conducted from July 7 – August 7, 2022. During this time frame, nearly 1,400 avocado shoppers were interviewed from California, individual states in the West (Arizona, Colorado, Oregon, Utah and Washington), as well as in the Central, South and Northeast regions. From these interviews a sample was balanced to project to the total United States. To provide the Commission with an in-depth look at subgroups within the California market, supplemental surveys were conducted in the state. Respondents were primary or secondary grocery shoppers ages 18+ who had purchased avocados during the past year.

The following are highlights are taken from the California region portion of the study.

Overall, self-reported avocado purchases remained frequent, but after a temporary increase in 2021, the purchases returned to 2020 levels — consistent with the lower avocado supplies available in 2022. Of those surveyed in the California region, 66% of avocado shoppers reported purchasing avocados on at least half their shopping trips.

The majority of California avocado shoppers continue to recognize the benefits of avocados being grown in California and continue to identify the Golden State fruit as:

  • The most premium
  • The highest quality
  • Best tasting
  • Freshest
  • Safest
  • Worth paying more for
  • Being grown in a preferred region

While total California region and ad awareness continue to be strong and on par with Mexico, Mexico continues to make inroads and is more top-of-mind — which is reflective of marketing spend. Finally, the majority of avocado buyers in California claim to be willing to pay more for avocados that are locally grown or produced in safer/better conditions.

The results of the study were presented to the CAC Board of Directors in November and to the Marketing Committee in December. Highlights of the study also were shared with AMRIC handlers in January 2023. Additional highlights from the tracking study were published in the Winter 2022 edition of From the Grove and are available online.