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New Seminar Focuses on Spring Cultural Management and Irrigation Technologies

The Index Fresh Avocado Cultural Seminar Series is hosting a seminar concerning spring cultural tips and irrigation automation and technology.  The seminar will take place on March 22 in Temecula, CA and on March 29 it will be hosted in Ventura with simultaneous Spanish translation and a Zoom webinar option.

 The speakers are as follows:

  • Spring Cultural Tips — Gerardo Aldunate, Index Fresh Agronomist
  • Irrigation Automation and Technology — Ryan Giacolone, Southern California CSM Phytech; Jacob Hernandez, District Manager Central Coast and Southern Cat Wiseconn (will present in Temecula); Guillermo Valenzuela, CEO Wiseconn (will present in Ventura); Adam Matthews, Technical Services Manager Netafim

March 22, 9:00 – 11:00 a.m.
Temecula Creek Inn
44501 Rainbow Canyon Road
Olive 2 Patio
Temecula, CA 92592

March 29, 9:00 – 11:00 a.m. (Spanish translation available)
Ventura Museum
100 E. Main Street
Pavilion Room
Ventura, CA 93001
Zoom option available:

RSVPs for the webinar is required. Please contact Jackie Tilton at 951.750.7666 or [email protected]. You also may RSVP with your field rep.